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Tooth Abscess: Diagnosis and Treatment

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What is a tooth abscess?

A tooth abscess is a pocket of pus caused by a bacterial infection. The abscess can occur in different places for different reasons.

The apical abscess occurs at the tip of the root, while the periodontal abscess occurs in the gum next to the root of the tooth.

Tooth abscess pictures

Tooth abscess pictures
Tooth abscess pictures 1

Tooth abscess Xray

Tooth abscess Xray
Tooth abscess Xray 1

What causes an abscessed tooth?

A dental abscess occurs after tooth decay, infection, and neglect of treatment. Lack of care for oral and dental hygiene contributes to its development and makes it worse.

A dental abscess causes damage to the tooth, gums, and nerves, and this is very dangerous because it urges the patient to neglect treatment and exacerbate the condition to extend to other teeth and new areas in the gums, then the inflammation extends to the jawbone to cause damage that may not be reversed without resorting to surgery.

Tooth abscess symptoms

  • Severe, persistent, throbbing toothache that can spread to the jawbone, neck, or ear
  • Sensitivity to cold and hot.
  • Sensitivity to pressure when chewing or biting,
  • Swelling of the face or cheek,
  • Pain and swollen lymph nodes under the jaw or in the neck
  • A sudden eruption of foul-smelling, bad-tasting, salty fluid in your mouth, decreased pain if the abscess bursts,
  • Difficulty breathing or swallowing.

Consequences of untreated abscessed tooth

Tooth abscess has serious complications if neglected and not treated, as meningitis encephalitis is a complication of this problem, and another dental abscess may develop as a complication, if the primary abscess is not treated properly, and bacterial secretions can reach the blood and result in sepsis, which is a very serious condition.

The bacteria are transmitted to the surrounding bone and tissue, which leads to damage of the bones surrounding the abscess, accompanied by severe pain and a high temperature.

Tooth abscess treatment

Below we shed some light on how to treat a dental abscess :

Diagnosis of tooth abscess

Diagnosing a dental abscess includes a set of procedures and examinations after the doctor has performed a theoretical examination. These procedures include the following:

  • Examination of the teeth by percussion on them with a medical instrument to ensure the extent of the sensitivity of the teeth.
  • Dental x-rays to identify infected areas.
  • Performing a computed tomography (CT) scan, in case the infection has spread to areas inside the neck.

Medical treatments

The goal of treatment is to get rid of the infection. To do this, your dentist will:

  1. Opening the abscess and draining what is in it: The dentist will make a small cut in the abscess, to allow the drainage of pus, and then wash this area with saltwater. From time to time, a small rubber drain is placed to keep the area open, to drain while the swelling decreases.
  2. A root canal treatment: This can help get rid of the infection and save your teeth. To do this, the dentist opens the tooth, removes the diseased tissue (the pulp which is the neurovascular bundle), and then drains the abscess. It fills the pulp chamber of the tooth and blocks the root canals. He may crown the tooth with a crown to make it stronger, especially if it is a back tooth. If you take proper care of your restored teeth, they will last for a lifetime.
  3. Extraction of the affected tooth: If the affected tooth cannot be saved, the dentist will extract the tooth and drain the abscess to get rid of the infection.
  4. Prescribing antibiotics: If the infection is confined to the area with an abscess, you may not need to use antibiotics, but if the infection has spread to nearby teeth, the jaw, or other areas, the dentist will likely prescribe some antibiotics to prevent further spread. Your doctor may also recommend antibiotics if you have a weak immune system.

Home remedies

Alternative medicine certainly has great effectiveness in treating dental abscesses in a safe manner and in a short time, and one of the most important home remedies in treating the problem of dental abscesses is Garlic.

It contains antibiotics for inflammation, which makes it effective in treating a dental abscess, as well as helping to relieve pain and prevent the spread of infection, by placing a clove of fresh garlic in the mouth and crushing it with the teeth, chewing it until the pain subsides, then rinsing the mouth With lukewarm water, or by mixing a teaspoon of crushed garlic with a pinch of table salt and put it directly on the place of pain, and to reduce its unpleasant smell, a few drops of clove oil can be added to the water, and the recipe is repeated three to four times a day.

Chronic tooth abscess treatment

  • Taking antibiotics: where the doctor gives the patient antibiotics regularly to control the abscess and get rid of the pus permanently,
  • Extraction of the affected teeth: the dentist may resort to extracting the teeth that were damaged by the abscess so that the infection does not spread to other teeth.
  • Surgery: Sometimes the dentist may resort to surgery to remove the abscess by opening the abscess and washing the place of the pus.

How to prevent tooth abscess?

There are several ways to prevent and protect the teeth from infection with an abscess, including:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day to keep them from decay, which is the main cause of abscess formation.
  • It is necessary to use a toothpaste containing fluoride to clean the teeth.
  • The use of medical floss to clean food residues stuck in the spaces between the teeth and must be done daily.
  • Change the toothbrush every 3-4 months.
  • Eat healthy foods and reduce your intake of sugars and soft drinks.
  • Early treatment of dental caries so that complications do not occur.
  • Refrain from smoking and periodically visit the doctor every 6 months at least.
  • Drink fluoridated water.
  • Use fluoride toothpaste or antiseptic to add an extra layer of cavity protection.

How can ILAJAK Medical help you?

ILAJAK Medical offers the best dentists and experiences with the latest equipment and tools to treat dental abscesses and other dental problems, starting from prescribing antibiotics to control the abscess, ending with surgeries, opening and cleaning the abscess, and extracting teeth when needed.

Tooth Abscess FAQs

Yes, if left untreated may turn into a life-threatening condition
Yes, if the abscessed tooth is in the upper jaw and close to the sinus it may worsen and invade into sinuses.
No, the cause behind the abscess needs to be addressed for the abscess to heal.
Yes, a tooth abscess may cause fever along with swelling.
Yes, a dental abscess may cause a headache.
You should never attempt to pop an abscess on your own, rather we recommend visiting a dentist as soon as possible a meanwhile you may rinse with salt water or apply a cold compress.
As long as the reason exists the tooth abscess won’t go away on its own without treatment.
Yes, some abscesses are painless fortunately it may show some other symptoms like swollen cheeks and gums.
Eventually, the abscess resolves if the causing tooth is extracted.

ILAJAK Medical© | A passion for care

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