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Application Form For Interested Parties

General Explanations

Application Form For Interested Parties

General Explanations

In accordance with Law No. 6698, also known as the Personal Data Protection Law, Article 11 regulates the rights of individuals who own personal data or their legal representatives, hereinafter referred to as "Applicant" or "Relevant Person," to make requests concerning the processing of their data.


As per the initial paragraph of Article 13 of the Personal Data Protection Law, applications related to these rights addressed to Ilajak Med International Health Services and Tourism Inc., the data controller, must be submitted in writing or through alternative methods determined by the Personal Data Protection Board ("Board"). Depending on the nature of your request, Ilajak will respond as promptly as possible or within a maximum period of thirty days from the date of receipt. However, if the request involves additional expenses, a fee may be applicable following Article 7 of the Communiqué.


Ways of Application


  • Applying in Person or by Mail:

You can submit your application form, filled out and signed by you, along with the required identity verification documents, either in person or through postal mail to the following address: "Mall of Istanbul, Office Block, Floor 11, No: 91 Basaksehir / Istanbul."


  • Applying via Email Address Provided to the Data Controller:

You can send your application by sending a signed request to the email address previously communicated to the data controller and registered in their system. Alternatively, you can also submit your application by sending an email to [email protected] and completing the provided "Application Form."


  • Applying via Email with Mobile Signature or Secure Electronic Signature:

You have the option to submit your application by sending a request signed by you using a mobile signature or secure electronic signature. Alternatively, you can send an email to [email protected] and complete the provided "Application Form."


  • Applying via Registered Electronic Mail with Mobile Signature or Secure Electronic Signature:

Another application method is to send your request to the registered electronic mail address [email protected] , using either a registered electronic mail address or a secure electronic signature or mobile signature for authentication.


To expedite the processing of your application, it is recommended to specify "Personal Data Protection Law Information / Amendment Request" on the envelope of your application or in the email subject line.

Furthermore, you may also submit your applications through a Notary Public or other legally recognized methods that enable identity verification. It is recommended to adhere to the mentioned guidelines to the extent permitted by the chosen method, as this will enhance the likelihood of a swift and favourable outcome for your application.


Application Form


Name and Surname:



TurkishOther Please specify if other: ……..

Turkish ID NO:


Pasaport No /Fogrein ID No:






Electronic Mail Address:


Telephone No / Fax No:



Your Relationship With Ilajak

Ilajak Employee / Former Employee

Years of employment:

Employee Candidate/ Trainee Candidate

(I sent my CV)

Date of Application:

Where the application was made and

additional explanation, if any:

Internship Trainee / Former Trainee

Work Duration:

Supplier Official/ Employee






Members of the Board of Directors


Subcontractor Officer/ Employee







Applıcatıon Content

Applicant Data Controller


●      Ilajak Med International Health Services and Tourism Inc.


Mall of Istanbul, Office Blok, Floor: 11, No: 91 Basaksehir / Istanbul

The subject of the Request to be Submitted within the Scope of the Application

☐ I wish to ascertain whether my personal information has undergone any form of processing.

☐ I am inquiring for information regarding the processing status of my personal data.

☐ I would like to understand the purpose behind processing my personal data and whether it aligns with its intended use.

☐ I seek insights into the recipients, both domestic and international, to whom my personal data has been transmitted.

☐ I desire the erasure, destruction, or anonymization of my personal data following the legal provisions.

☐ I request the rectification of my personal data if it has been inaccurately or incompletely processed.

(Please elaborate on the specific personal data that requires correction in the explanation section.)

☐ In the event of modifications to my personal data following my request, I request notification to be extended to third parties who have received my personal information.

☐ I am seeking compensation for any harm I may have endured as a result of unlawful handling of my personal data.

(Please provide a detailed account in the explanation section, specifying the data processing activity, the timing of the incident, and the nature of the harm incurred.)


In order to respond to your application, the scope of the application must be specific, clear and understandable.



Please indicate if you are attaching information and documents.





Method of reply to your application

(If no response method is preferred, the application will be answered by Ilajak in the manner in which it was submitted).

❏      Please send it to the address I provided in the application.

(Sending it to the address mentioned in the application is preferred.)

❏      I prefer to be sent to the email address I specified in the application form.

(Opting for email delivery will enable us to respond more promptly.)

❏      I would like to receive it personally.

(If someone else is to collect it on your behalf, a notarized power of attorney or authorization document is required.)


This application form has been designed to ensure that we can accurately and fully address your requests within the specified legal timeframes. Ilajak may, at its discretion, request additional documents and information such as a copy of your identity card or driver's license to verify your identity and authorization.

This precautionary measure is taken to mitigate any potential legal risks associated with unauthorized or improper data sharing, with a particular focus on safeguarding your personal information.

Please note that Ilajak cannot be held responsible for such requests if the information provided in this form is inaccurate, misleading, or unauthorized. In such cases, Ilajak reserves the right to decline your application.




Applicant Name and Surname:




Kindly provide details regarding your connection with the applicant, or include a power of attorney, birth registration copy, or any pertinent document demonstrating your authorization by attaching it to your application.



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