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root canal treatment steps and temporary and permanent filling

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In this article, we will learn about the importance of root canal treatment and how is it done. This article is comprehensive and will answer all your inquiries.

Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is done by endodontic specialists, where the affected and inflamed pulp and nerve are removed and eliminated from the root canal of the tooth, and prevent re-inflammation to the tooth to preserve the natural tooth and avoid extraction.

The procedure also includes cleaning and shaping the inner portion of the root canal, then filling and closing the space, after which the dentist places a crown on the tooth to protect it and restore its original function.

How to do root canal treatment

Root canal treatment includes removing infected pulps and nerves from the root canals then cleaning and reshaping the canals followed by irrigation and permanent filling and permanent crown at the end of the treatment.

Root canal treatment steps

  • The dentist takes x-rays of the tooth to examine the area that needs pulp and nerve removal.
  • Anesthesia of the tooth and the surrounding area using local anesthesia.
  • Surrounding the tooth with a barrier that keeps the gums and the rest of the mouth from being affected by the procedure.
  • Drilling through the enamel and around the tooth to reach the pulp beneath the enamel.
  • Getting rid of any infected, decaying, dead, or infected tissue from the tooth root, in addition to filing and reshaping the root to fit more fillings.
  • Clean the root canal with special chemicals to ensure that inflamed tissue residues and bacteria are eliminated.
  • Dry the root canal area once all the affected tissue has been cleaned.
  • Start inserting the special fillings into the channels that have been cleaned and prepared, which are called “Gutta-percha”.
  • Close the access opening - which was created earlier - with a temporary filling. This helps protect the tooth from infection or damage during the healing phase.
  • After the root canal has completely healed, the outer enamel layer is removed and prepared in proportion to the permanent crown that will protect the integrity of the treated tooth and protect it from infection or damage for a period of up to ten years or more.
Root canal treatment steps

How does a dentist kill a nerve in your tooth?

Killing the nerve is how we commonly referred to a dental treatment called root canal treatment, this is nothing more than the removal of the damaged nerve inside the tooth, cleaning, and disinfection of the canals that contain them, and sealing them with an inert and biocompatible material.

Through the use of oxidative, chelating agents, and biocompatible antimicrobials, the tooth is cleaned from the inside.

How long does root canal treatment take

RCT is usually done in three sessions, and it may take between one to three sessions to complete.

As for the nerve filling step alone, it became possible to perform it in only one session.

It is worth noting that the sessions include the previous steps, may take 90 minutes to 3 hours per session, and the number of visits may increase or decrease depending on the case, and if the inflammation is severe, the number of visits may increase, and vice versa, and if the case is simple and there are no complications after the first session, there is no need for more sessions, but rather it moves to the step final straight to the crown.

After root canal treatment

Root canal treatment results in the complete removal of the affected nerves from the tooth, which means that the patient may not feel any pain in that tooth, due to the removal of the nerve tissue and elimination of inflammation.
and the pain that occurs after root canal treatment is usually mild, you will likely need over-the-counter pain relievers for relief, as the doctor prescribes them in advance before leaving the clinic, and we in Ilajak Medical recommend to see a dentist at the earliest opportunity if the pain is severe and irreversible.

Read about: Possible side effects of dental implants 

Root canal temporary filling

A temporary filling is usually placed after root canal treatment; To ensure the completion of the treatment, with the possibility of re-intervention if the need arises.

This type of filling is used to close the root canal area; Until the final restoration (usually the crown) is placed.

This temporary filling is soft and can be removed later easily.

Permanent filling after root canal

The dentist removes the temporary filling.

A permanent filling is then used to seal the tooth.

Later on, an artificial crown is placed on top of the filling and around the remaining natural tooth.

Permanent filling after root canal

Sedative filling instead of root canal

The sedative filling can be a part of root canal treatment and not a substitution. The sedative filling is a temporary filling used to examine the effectiveness of the root canal treatment.

How long to wait for permanent filling after a root canal?

The tooth is sealed with a temporary filling following the root canal procedure.

It is important to return to your general dentist to have the temporary filling removed and replaced with a permanent restoration within the next 2 weeks following treatment

Can I eat after a root canal filling?

Yes, eating after filling a root canal treated tooth is possible but consciousness and awareness are required, what we mean to say here is avoid eating until the numbness wears off, avoid chewing hard and sticky food items, for at least 24 hours, and after installing a permanent dental crown.

What is the cost of a root canal filling in Turkey?

The cost for root canal treatment alone ranges from forty-five to fifty-five euros without a crown, and up to a hundred and thirty-five with a dental crown.

Root canal filling or crown

Root canal treatments are always followed by a crown, cause the tooth become weak and brittle after root canal treatment.

It worth mentioning that a Dental crown can be installed directly without the need for root canal treatment.

Root canal treatment side effects

Like any other treatment, RCT may result in some side effects like:

  • There is a risk of re-infection, toothache, or discomfort.
  • A root canal may fail.
  • Tooth discoloration.
  • After the root canal treatment, your tooth will not be as strong as a healthy tooth. It may require an additional crown for protection

Dental Fillings faqs

The simple answer is is a cavity is close to the surface of the tooth, can easily be fixed with a filling. Fillings will be recommended if the tooth has a smaller cavity or minor tooth decay that hasn't reached the pulp of the tooth. While the goal of a root canal is to prevent further damage to the tissue, a filling is primarily meant to restore the function and appearance of the tooth.
Root canal treatment may be needed if a decay reached the pulp and caused an infection. This option is chosen for severe cases when dental fillings are no longer a viable option. Persistent or severe tooth pain may be a sign you need a root canal
The standard filling material is Gutta-Percha, a natural polymer prepared from latex from the percha tree (Palaquium gutta). The standard endodontic technique involves inserting a gutta-percha cone (a "point") into the cleaned-out root canal along with a sealing cement.
Endodontic retreatment is similar to the initial root canal treatment you had. Your endodontist will remove the crown from the affected tooth so they can access the canal. The dentist will then remove the filling and clean the canal.
The simple answer is that a decay nearer to the surface of the tooth, not in the root, and can easily be fixed with a filling. When decay is severe and tooth pulp is involved which will become worse over time, a root canal is needed,.
Despite the claims you might read on the internet, root canal treatment doesn't cause illness. The American Association of Endodontists (AAE) reassures patients that there isn't any scientific evidence linking root canal treatments to illnesses or diseases elsewhere in the body.
No, the filling Materials Gutta Percha may contain a small number of mercury components.
Disinfecting materials are used to kill all bacteria. Finally, the dentist fills the pulp chamber and root canals with a specific filling material called “Gutta Percha”.
A bad filling or improperly sealed filling may cause caries and lead to the involvement of tooth pulp for which a root canal treatment may be needed as a result.
Generally, it’s a very rare condition, fillings usually last for years, however, some filling materials may lead to a tooth crack due to extensive pressure during filling.
A root canal clears away bacteria and damaged tissue to relieve pain and save the tooth. A filling restores the function and cosmetic appearance of the tooth; a root canal cleans and protects the soft tissue inside the tooth from further damage. when the cavity is too deep & signs of infection are present, it may require root canal therapy.
After root canal treatment, the crown of the tooth must be restored. In most cases, an artificial crown is needed. The tooth is sealed with a temporary filling following the root canal procedure. It is important to return to your general dentist to have the temporary filling removed and replaced with a permanent restoration within the next 2 weeks following treatment.
Temporary fillings aren't designed to last, so it's not unusual for them to fall out. If you do lose a temporary filling prematurely there are a few things to consider. Firstly, call your dentist for a prompt appointment. The lost filling should be replaced as soon as possible.
In other words, you can avoid root canal treatment and other alternatives by avoiding causes like foods rich in sugars, practicing good oral hygiene, going for regular dental check-ups, and avoiding drinks and foods rich in acids and starch.
Treatment is not complete until a permanent filling is in place. After restoration, the treated tooth is much like your other teeth.
The treatment must be completed, and if the pain persists after the end of the treatment period, the dentist must be consulted to determine the root cause

Moreover, the tooth may crack after RCT if the crown is not placed.

At Ilajak Medical, we follow accurate dental protocols to achieve the best results.

Ilajak Medical© | A passion for care.

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