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Deviated Septum Treatment in Turkey

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In the world of medicine, Turkey has emerged as a leading destination for deviated septum treatment.

In this post, we'll explore deviated septum symptoms, treatment options, including surgical treatment available in Turkey.

Find out how you can get relief from the pain and loss of quality of life caused by a Deviated septum.


A deviated septum, a condition where the thin wall separating the nasal passages is off-center or crooked, can cause a range of uncomfortable symptoms. In this post we'll discuss various aspects of deviated septum treatment in Turkey. We will guide you through comprehending the symptoms exploring surgical treatment choices and considering surgical interventions. Our aim is to equip you with knowledge so that you can make informed decisions, about your health.

What is a deviated septum?

A deviated septum is when the bone and cartilage that divides your nasal cavity is off-center. The right and left sides of your nasal cavity are divided by your nasal septum. You have two nostrils because of that.

The nasal septum deviates in up to 80% of the general population. Because they don't experience any symptoms, some people aren't even aware that they have a deviated septum. But for some, a deviated septum can cause breathing concerns, headaches and other issues.

What is a deviated septum

Deviated Septum Symptoms

A deviated septum is a condition where the nasal septum is shifted which can cause symptoms that affect life. It is important to identify these signs in order to take appropriate action, in a timely manner.


One common symptom of a deviated septum is frequent nosebleeds. A misaligned nasal septum can cause dryness and irritation, which increases the risk of blood vessel rupture. If you've noticed an increase in nosebleeds, especially in dry or cold conditions, your deviated septum might be contributing to the issue. While occasional nosebleeds are benign, persistent bleeding warrants attention.

Obstruction of One or Both Nostrils

Deviated septum can cause blockage in one or both nostrils, making it difficult to breathe freely. Your general health and the quality of your sleep may be impacted by this blockage, which can also cause congestion and snoring. If you find yourself struggling to breathe through your nose, a deviated septum could be the culprit.

Facial Pain

Facial pain, particularly around the nasal area, can be another symptom of a deviated septum. The misalignment can  can affect the normal drainage of mucus, leading to pressure buildup and discomfort. This discomfort might be anything from a little itch to a throbbing misery.

It's critical to see a doctor for an appropriate diagnosis if you often feel pressure or discomfort in your face.

Awareness of the Nasal Cycle

An increased awareness of the nasal cycle is another sign of a deviated septum. Normally, the nasal cycle alternates between one nostril being more open than the other to facilitate efficient breathing. However, with a deviated septum, this cycle may become more pronounced, leading to fluctuations in airflow throughout the day.

  1. Preference for sleeping on a particular side. Some people may prefer to sleep on a particular side to optimize breathing through the nose at night if one nasal passage is narrowed.
  2. Snoring or sleep apnea
  3. Sneezing attacks
  4. Postnasal drip
  5. Sinus infections
  6. Chronic sinusitis
  7. Ear infections

deviated septum

Diagnosis of deviated septum (How do healthcare providers diagnose nasal septum deviation?)

Your nose will be examined by a medical professional using a nasal speculum. Your nostrils are gently stretched open by this portable device so your doctor can examine the interior of your nose. They’ll look at your septum to see if it affects the size of your nasal passages.

Deviated Septum Treatment Options

Depending on the severity of the disease, a variety of treatment techniques are available to address a deviated septum.

While medicines might offer comfort, surgery may be required for long-lasting effects.

  1. Nasal Steroid Sprays

Nasal steroid sprays are often the first line of defense against the symptoms of a deviated septum.

The nasal passages' irritation can be reduced, which might offer comfort.

With the aid of these sprays, swollen mucous membranes can shrink, reducing congestion and enhancing breathing. However, it's important to note that while steroid sprays can manage symptoms, they won't correct the deviated septum itself.

  1. Antihistamines

Allergies can aggravate the symptoms of a deviated septum, thus antihistamines are frequently used to treat them.

Due to its ability to reduce allergic reactions, antihistamines can help with congestion relief and promote better breathing.

Antihistamines can offer complete relief when used in conjunction with other therapies.

Note: Medications Can Only Treat the Swollen Mucous Membranes and Won't Correct a Deviated Septum

It's important to note that while medications can provide relief from symptoms, they cannot fix the actual deviation of the septum. For a permanent solution, surgical intervention may be necessary.

Deviated Septum Surgery

In cases where non-surgical treatments do not provide sufficient relief, surgical interventions may be considered. Two common surgical procedures for correcting a deviated septum are septoplasty and rhinoplasty.


The most common deviated septum treatment is septoplasty. If you have breathing problems, frequent sinus infections or other bothersome symptoms, a septoplasty may be an option for you.

It's a surgical procedure aimed at straightening the deviated septum. During the procedure, the surgeon repositions and removes excess cartilage or bone to improve airflow and alleviate symptoms. Recovery time varies, but many patients experience significant relief within a few weeks.

Typically, septoplasty is an outpatient procedure. It takes between 30 and 90 minutes to complete.

Deviated Septum Surgery


Rhinoplasty, often referred to as a "nose job," is a surgical procedure that can be combined with septoplasty. While septoplasty focuses on functional improvement, rhinoplasty can address both functional and aesthetic concerns. This procedure can reshape the nose and correct any cosmetic issues while also improving breathing.

What are the risks of nose surgery?

Like any surgery, nose surgery comes with risks. With your surgeon, go through the hazards in great detail. Additionally, you and your anesthetist should discuss the dangers of anesthesia.

The risks with nose surgery include:

  1. heavy nosebleeds
  2. An infection that may need antibiotic treatment or further surgery
  3. strong or ongoing pain
  4. long-lasting numbness in your front teeth or around your nose
  5. reduced sense of smell, or very rarely, a loss of sense of smell
  6. unusually thick scars
  7. dark skin under the eyes
  8. difficulty breathing because of narrowed airways
  9. Continued symptoms, such as nasal obstruction
  10. A change in the shape of your nose
  11. A hole in the septum

Can I prevent nasal septum deviation?

Some people are born with a deviated septum. Others could experience a deviated septum as they are growing up. In certain circumstances, nasal septum deviation cannot be stopped. There are techniques to lower your risk if you don't already have a deviated septum, including:

  • When participating in contact sports, use safety equipment (such as a helmet and a midface mask).
  • Always wear your seatbelt.
Packages That We Offer in Ilajak

In Turkey, renowned medical centers like Ilajak offer comprehensive deviated septum treatment packages that combine expertise with state-of-the-art facilities, ensuring optimal results and a comfortable recovery.

For people with deviated septums, Ilajak offers quality healthcare packages.

To provide the finest results, our highly trained medical staff offers customized solutions. Embark on your journey towards improved nasal health by considering deviated septum treatment in Turkey.


Although managing a deviated septum can be difficult, there are effective treatment options that can enhance your breathing and general quality of life. From non-surgical treatments like nasal steroid sprays and antihistamines to surgical interventions like septoplasty and rhinoplasty, you have choices that can lead to better breathing and enhanced well-being. You may get relief and recover your comfort by consulting with medical experts and looking into the customized packages offered, like those at ilajak.

If you're ready to take the step towards improved breathing and well-being, don't hesitate to consult with experts in deviated septum treatment. You may start along the path to a better and more pleasant life by taking care of your symptoms and worries.

Deviated Septum Treatment in Turkey faqs

 The level of discomfort after deviated septum surgery varies from person to person. While some experience mild pain and discomfort, others may have a more manageable recovery.

Modern surgical techniques and anesthesia minimize discomfort during and after the procedure. Most patients report manageable pain levels that subside within a few days.

 Deviated septum surgery is generally considered safe, especially when performed by a skilled and experienced surgeon. Although they are relatively uncommon, risks and consequences are always a possibility with surgery.

If you opt for septoplasty alone, the primary goal is functional improvement, so the external appearance of your nose is unlikely to change significantly. However, if you choose to undergo rhinoplasty in combination with septoplasty, there may be changes to both the internal structure and external appearance of your nose.

The cost of deviated septum treatment in Turkey can vary depending on factors such as the chosen treatment approach, the severity of the condition, and the medical facility. It's best to consult with our experts at Ilajak for accurate pricing and tailored treatment options.

Recovery time can vary, but most individuals can expect to return to their normal activities within a couple of weeks after deviated septum surgery. You will get thorough post-operative instructions from your medical team to ensure a quick and painless recovery.

 If your symptoms make it difficult for you to breathe, interfere with your sleep, or negatively affect other facets of your life, speak with a healthcare professional.

 You should visit your local emergency department (ER) for treatment if you believe you have a broken nose. They can start treating a cracked nasal septum immediately soon.

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