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Medical advice to boost the immune system and prevent Coronavirus

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Boost immunity against Coronavirus

The immune system can be boosted by several healthy foods and habits, which will be mentioned in this article.

How does the immune system work in the human body?

When the body detects foreign substances (called antigens), the immune system identifies the antigens and then removes them.

Lymphocytes B produce antibodies. These specialized proteins bind to specific antigens. Where the antibodies remain in the human body. This way if the immune system encounters this antigen again, the antibodies are ready to do their job. This is the reason why when a person suffers from a disease, like chickenpox, it occurs one time, but cannot infect again.

Boosting immunity against influenza

Strong immunity these days is more important to human health than ever. It is very important to maintain and boost our immune system so that we can fight viruses, which we may be exposed to, and this is done through:

  • Adequate and sufficient sleep.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Take vitamin C.
  • Stay away from gatherings and infected people.

Boosting the immune system with herbs

About boosting the immune system, some medical specialists have found after carrying out several scientific research that the compounds found in herbs and nutritional supplements have great benefits in boosting the immune system of the human body. These herbs include Garlic, astragalus, milk thistle, ginseng, green tea, black cumin, and licorice.

The immune system

How to boost immunity in elderly

As people get older, their ability to respond decreases, which in turn contributes to more infections and diseases. Therefore, it is advised to adhere to the following general advice for boosting immunity:

  • Balanced diet.
  • Excessive intake of vegetables and fruits.
  • Exercising on a daily and regular basis.
  • Adequate and sufficient sleep and rest.

Diets to treat weak immunity

Some healthy foods will help the human body maintain the strength of the immune system. If you want to enjoy a strong body that is resistant to diseases such as colds and flu, you only need to have nutritional meals, including elements that work to boost the immune system in our body, and these healthy foods include :

  • Citrus fruits: orange, tangerine, and lemon. These citrus fruits help build the immune system in the human body. It is believed that vitamin C increases the production of white blood cells. This is the key to fighting infection.
  • Yogurt: Yogurt can also be a great source of vitamin D, which in turn helps to regulate the immune system, and is believed to boost the body's natural defenses against diseases.
  • Spinach: Not only rich in vitamin C. It is also packed with many antioxidants and beta-carotene, which may increase the ability of our immune systems to fight infection.
  • Garlic: Garlic's immune-enhancing properties come from a heavy concentration of sulfur-containing compounds, such as allicin.
  • Ginger: Ginger is another ingredient that many people turn to after illness. Ginger may help reduce inflammation, such as sore throat and other inflammatory diseases. It also works to reduce nausea.
  • Almonds: Like nuts in general and almonds in particular, are full of vitamins, and also contain healthy fats. Since half a cup of nuts containing about 46 peeled almonds, provide approximately 100% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin E.
  • Turmeric: It is considered a good anti-inflammatory.
immune system booster

Reasons for a weak immunity

We are talking here about the causes that lead to a weak immune system, where it is not able to cope with diseases from viruses and other pathogens, and we will mention them with the habits and foods that cause weak immunity in the elderly.

The reason for weak immunity in elderly

As you age, the immune system becomes less effective as well. The following immune system changes may occur:

  • The immune system becomes slower to respond. This increases the risk of getting sick. Flu vaccines or other vaccines may not work well or protect you for the expected time.
  • An autoimmune disorder may develop. This is a disease in which the immune system accidentally attacks and destroys healthy body tissue.
  • Your body may heal slowly. There are fewer immune cells in the body to heal.
  • The ability of the immune system to detect and correct cell defects is also reduced. This can increase your risk of developing cancer.

Risks and negative effect of alcohol  to health and body

Alcohol suppresses the immune system in the human body, so it is better to drink it in moderation, or not at all. Men can drink up to twice daily. And women, not more than once. The possibility of consuming alcohol depends on other factors, such as a general health condition, the risk of developing a disease, or any medications intake.

Ask your doctor if it is safe to drink an alcoholic drink from time to time, and if so, what is the safe amount for you?.

Habits and foods weaken Immune System

Many habits and foods can affect or weaken the immune system, for example:

  • Smoking.
  • Inadequate sleep.
  • Harmful foods, such as canned foods, or high sugar foods.
  • Insufficient vegetables and fruits intake.
  • Not exercising enough or not exercising at all.
  • Psychological pressure and tension.

What is Coronavirus?

Coronavirus is a large family of viruses that may cause disease in animals or humans.

In humans, many of the coronaviruses are known to cause respiratory infections, which range from colds to more severe diseases, such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). The most recent newly discovered coronavirus is Covid-19.

How long does it take for coronavirus symptoms to appear?

The "incubation period" is the period that extends between catching the virus and the onset of symptoms of coronavirus. Most estimates of the incubation period for new COVID range from 1-14 days, and most common around 5 days.

What are the signs & symptoms of Coronavirus?

According to the World Health Organization, the most common symptoms of Covid 19 are fever, fatigue, and a dry cough. Some patients may also experience a runny nose, sore throat, nasal congestion, pain or diarrhea.

 immunity booster

Coronavirus preventive measures

  • Maintain general hygiene, wash hands regularly, for not less than 20 seconds.
  • Keep a reasonable distance from the people around you, approximately 1 meter (3 feet).
  • Avoid touching the mouth, nose, and eyes.
  • Practice healthy respiratory habits: covering the mouth and nose with an elbow or a tissue-paper when coughing or sneezing. Then dispose of the used wipes immediately.
  • If you experience any of the symptoms, such as fever, coughing and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention early.
  • Compliance with orders issued by the country's health authorities and government, for example, social & physical distancing, quarantine, etc.

Coronavirus recovery rate

Epidemiologists say the recovery rates for Covid 19 will not be clear until the end of the outbreak, and they can see the full data set.

As of the moment of preparing this article, the death rate was 4.34% of the total number of the infected, and the recovery rate of Coronavirus 28.82% of the total number of the infected, while 66.84% of the total number of patients in a condition ranging from serious to minor.

But in China, the source of the virus, the recovery rate reached 87%, the mortality rate 4%, while 9% remained under treatment.

recovery rate

Question and answer about Coronavirus

It is a virus surrounded by conflicting news and speculation because it is newfound, started in Wuhan, China in December 2019, It is a non-living organism weak in structure, covered by protein, and it is composed of RNA, zoonotic, likely came from bats or pangolin. Corona is a Latin word for Crown.
Initial symptoms are similar to the common cold and flu. The most common symptoms are fever, cough, shortness of breath, general fatigue, and un-common symptoms such as muscle pain, nausea, diarrhea, olfactory loss, headache, and sore throat.
Nonallergic rhinitis or pollen allergy symptoms are sneezing, itchy nose,  and runny nose, but the difference is in terms of severity where the symptoms are more severe for corona patients, especially if associated with pneumonia.
Regarding the system in Turkey, as announced by the Ministry of Health, it is best to stay at home and call 184, and a specialized team will guide you for the correct behavior. If you can not contact them, call an ambulance at 112. The infected persons staying at home must isolate themselves from family, especially the elderly. Recently, the Minister of Health announced that the affected person can take all precautions and then contact the nearest health center for diagnosis and early detection.
Staying at home except for necessity. Stay away from crowded places such as the market and find times when it is less crowded. Commitment to the physical distance for not less than two meters. Personal hygiene wash hands with soap or cologne regularly. Waer facemasks before going out. The facemasks protect you from infection and protect others if you are infected. If you suspect a Corona infection, try to reach the nearest medical center because early diagnosis increases the rate and speed of recovery and protects you from complications.
Balanced nutrition, the body must have adequate nutrition and get all the nutrients. Adequate sleep and avoid body fatigue, as stress in the body, weaken immunity. And we warn against taking vitamins without consulting the doctor because an excess of some vitamins such as vitamin D is harmful, vitamins can be taken in natural ways such as citrus fruits for vitamin C.
The danger of the infection and its severity vary according to location and according to several factors. Coronavirus infection caused by the droplets of an infected person through the mouth, nose, or eye. It travels to the throat and causes pain in the throat and then continues to the trachea or airway until it reaches the lung tissue. Here the danger of this virus lies as it causes pneumonia resulting in shortness of breathing and difficult breath.
The probability of death varies according to several factors, data, and location, the percentage is generally 5%, and in some countries, the percentage is greater. As for deaths, many of the infected are transferred to the intensive care unit, and there Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome is discovered, which makes the symptoms more severe and the condition more difficult, which increases the possibility of death. The possibility of death is more apparent in the elderly, especially those who have chronic diseases, but those who are younger often recover.
There is no 100% treatment, but there are drugs used to treat other diseases. Almost 5-6 drugs approved by the Turkish Ministry of Health: Hydroxychloroquine is used to treat malaria, which is thought to slow the disease. Antivirals " Oseltamivir" usually given to flu patients. It is prescribed if the patient is suspected to have a Corona. If the condition improves, then the patient suffers from the flu. If the condition does not change, the patient has Corona. Lopinavir / Ritonavir is used if Oseltamivir is unsuccessful. Favipiravir has been famous on social media as the treatment that came from China and it is not a treatment for corona but was used before to treat other viruses and many countries around the world including Turkey started using it in intensive care.
It depends on the immunity, it is stronger among young people, so the symptoms are mild, but this does not mean that they are safe from infection, especially since smoking is widespread among young people, and the doctor noted that there are deaths among young people as well, so the virus and prevention measures should not be underestimated. While in the elderly the immunity is weaker with the presence of chronic diseases, which leads to a greater probability of death.
It can catch every one of all ages and it appears that the elderly and people with pre-existing medical conditions (such as asthma, diabetes, and heart disease) are more likely to be infected with the virus. According to the Filyasyon procedure, people who were in contact with infected people were more likely to be infected, and this explains the reason for the high incidence of infections among the tests that the state conducts daily, which began to decrease gradually.
The doctor answered that the smoke affects the cilium and the respiratory tract cells that protect the respiratory tract from foreign substances. Smoking damages these cells, so the severity and strength of the disease are greater.
Asthma is a chronic inflammation of the airway or trachea usually diagnosed in childhood Treatment of asthma depends on the cortisol sprays or pills in severe cases, but cortisol pills weaken the immunity, so the doctor advises to avoid them in the current period, unless necessary.
It was believed that the symptoms would be milder if the influenza patient catch Coronavirus as a result of the effectiveness and readiness of the immune system, but it turned out exactly the opposite, as it increases the severity of the disease and endangers life.

Ilajak Medical© | A passion for care

Source : COVID-19

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