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About Handling Personal Data via Social Network Providers

Clarification Statement

About Handling Personal Data via Social Network Providers - Clarification Statement


Located at Mall of Istanbul, Office Block, 11th Floor, No: 91, Basaksehir/Istanbul, the following individual entities:

  • Imtilak Company for construction, tourism, translation, real estate marketing, and foreign trade,
  • Ilajak Company for international health services and medical tourism,
  • Safaraq Company for tourism, travel, and event organization,
  • Ghars Company, engaged in trade, organization, and consulting services,
  • Imticar Company for industry and automotive trading,
  • Loftry Company for e-commerce and information services,
  • Aldirasa Platform Company for educational consulting and services,
  • Expert Company for architectural consultancy, engineering, contracting, industry, and trade,
  • Arkan Company for construction, project management, and real estate marketing,
  • Tebadul International Trade Company, and
  • Masaken Company for construction, industry, trade, and real estate are responsible for managing personal data.

Located in Istanbul - Basaksehir, at the Mall of Istanbul - Office Building - 11th Floor - Office No. 91, we prioritize the protection of personal data in compliance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698.

Collectively referred to as İmtilak Group, we place significant emphasis on the security of your data, which we process in our capacity as data controllers as defined by the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698.


As part of İmtilak Group's commitment to compliance with applicable laws and regulations, we have created this Privacy Notice to provide you with information regarding the collection and sharing of your personal data obtained during our communication on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube."



  1. What Personal Data Do We Handle, Why Do We Process It, What Are the Legal Grounds, and How Do We Collect It?

Regarding Receiving Information, Suggestions, and Complaints About Our Products and Services

To enhance our communication and better serve our customers, Imtilak Group will collect information about our products and services based on your suggestions and complaints submitted through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. This data processing will include limited information such as your name, nationality, passport details, contact information, and details of your interactions with us, including the products and services that interest you.

Please note that this processing of personal data is carried out following Article V of Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698, which is based on your explicit consent.

This information will be used for organizing communication events, conducting customer satisfaction studies, managing our relationship with you, and addressing your requests and complaints.


  1. To whom is your personal information sent, and for what purposes can this information be shared?
  2. a) Within Turkey:

Regarding the sharing of data within Turkey, your personal information may be shared to a limited extent for the purposes mentioned above. This sharing can occur with the suppliers we collaborate with, our business partners, and, when necessary, with competent government authorities and institutions to fulfil Imtilak Group's legal obligations.

  1. b) Outside Turkey:

Regarding the transfer of personal data outside of Turkey, this information will be shared to a restricted extent with platforms located abroad, namely Meta Company's Facebook and Instagram platforms, Google's YouTube platform, and Twitter, for the purposes outlined above, as well as for archiving and storage requirements.

This limited sharing is carried out following the legal requirement of "explicit consent," and for more detailed information, you can refer to the 'Terms and Principles of Confidentiality' pages on these platforms.


  1. Your Rights and the Application Process for Your Personal Data

The following are the rights pertaining to your personal data as outlined in Article XI of the Personal Data Protection Law:

  • To ascertain whether your personal data is undergoing processing or not.
  • To request information if your personal data has been processed.
  • To be informed about the purpose behind processing your personal data and whether it is used in accordance with that purpose.
  • To identify the third parties, both domestically and internationally, to whom your personal data is transferred.
  • To request the correction of your personal data in the event of incomplete or incorrect processing.
  • To request the deletion or destruction of your personal data in compliance with the conditions specified in KVKK legislation.
  • In cases where you request the correction of incomplete or incorrect data and the deletion or destruction of your personal data, ask for this situation to be communicated to third parties who have received your personal data.
  • To raise objections if an unfavourable outcome arises from the analysis of processed data exclusively through automated systems.
  • In cases of harm resulting from the unlawful processing of personal data, seek compensation for such damages.


You can request personal data by completing any of the available application forms, including the 'Imtilak Real Estate Personal Application Form,' 'Safaraq Personal Application Form,' 'Ghars Personal Application Form,' 'Imtikar Personal Application Form,' 'Loftry Personal Application Form,' 'Aldirasa Platform Personal Application Form,' 'Expert Personal Application Form,' 'Arkan Real Estate Personal Application Form,' 'Tebadul Personal Application Form,' and 'Masaken Personal Application Form.'


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